
The Halo Plug is a premium spark plug.

The Halotm Plug is a premium sparkplug that will improve the gas mileage, enhance engine performance and decrease the emissions in most engines.

How does this happen?

Halotm Plug has a quicker initiation of the combustion process by increasing the fuel access to the spark. This quicker initiation of combustion results in more complete burning of the fuel inside the combustion chamber. This yields more power from a given volume of fuel due to more efficient consumption. This also leads to improved horsepower output for the engine.

Official Reduction in Fuel Consumption            German DEKRA - Test
Official Reduction of Emissions                          German TÜV - Test 
Improved Engine Performance                         Performance test
Less plug fouling and erosion                     33 Years / 100.000 miles

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 Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and England